We represent women in the Church Women United in Northern California – Northern Nevada state level unit of Church Women United, Inc. Our unit covers many square miles of both urban and rural communities, mountains and valleys, from the northern borders of California and Nevada, to as far south as Fresno and Monterey, CA. Our unit is included in the Southwest Region of Church Women United, Inc along with Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mexico, Southern California/Southern Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming.
Founded in 1941, Church Women United (CWU) is a national volunteer Christian ecumenical women’s movement initiated and carried out by women in the United States and Puerto Rico. It is a movement that brings together women of diverse races, cultures and traditions in closer Christian fellowship, prayer, advocacy, and action for peace with justice in the world. CWU engages millions of women representing twenty-six supporting denominations and participating Christian women.
Our Southwest Region is divided into State Units and Local Units. Our Local Units are united by an Executive Board and linked with the Unit Presidents. We are represented at the national level by the Southwest Regional Coordinator, Rev. Billie Simmons, of San Diego, California.
We are a diverse group of women who come together to celebrate and enrich our own lives and the lives of others. We are endeavoring to reach out to more and more women in our region. You are welcome to attend the activities and celebrations that are held in this area and throughout the country. Please check for upcoming events and also share your local event schedules with us for future publishing.