The documents requested by the Church Women United Inc. national office are extremely important. They are the consistent communication tool from all local and state units and should be submitted promptly when requested or after an event.
Local and ‘State’ Unit Officers’ Form
The blank two-sided form is provided to all Unit Presidents. It should be completed and distributed by January 31, or immediately following the Local Unit election. Note that this form should be completed in full and submitted on an annual basis even if there are no changes in officers. Make two (2) copies,
- Send one copy to: CHURCH WOMEN UNITED
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 243
New York, NY 10115 - Send one copy to the Church Women United in Northern California – Northern Nevada President.
Currently: Christine Boyenga 209-769-8544
3. The Secretary should retain the third copy.
Use a separate CHURCH WOMEN UNITED CELEBRATIONS REPORT FORM to report each Celebration. The forms are furnished in the Leaders’ Planning Guides. Complete and make TWO COPIES of the Report.
1. Send the original form(s) and the check(s) for the World Community Day and Human Rights offering to the National Office as soon as possible after the Celebration: CHURCH WOMEN UNITED 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 243 New York, NY 10115
2. Send one copy of each completed form to the Northern California – Northern Nevada Ecumenical Celebrations Chair:
Currently: Marilyn C Prowell 559-906-5473
3. The Secretary should retain one copy.
1. Offerings from World Community Day and the Human Rights Celebration are to be sent to the Church Women United Inc. national office (see address above).
2. Offering from the World Day of Prayer should be sent to the World Day of Prayer Committee.
3. Offerings from the May Friendship Day are traditionally shared 50/50 with the State Unit. Send the check for 50% for the May Friendship Day to the Northern California – Northern Nevada Treasurer: Currently: Juliette Ballard 415-922-4336
4. Fellowship of the Least Coin offerings are collected at May Friendship Day and are to be sent to the Church Women United national office (see address above).
5. The Nickels for National fund-raising project assists in funding the annual weekend retreat for the Celebrations Committee, where they write the celebrations that are used by local units each year. The Nickels for National funds are to be sent to the Church Women United national office (see address above).